The transfer of the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky from the city of Vladimir to St. Petersburg under Peter the Great in 1724


The artist is bass

Among the paintings entrusted to execute Basin in the Isaac’s Cathedral, there was a cycle for the chapel dedicated to Alexander Nevsky. In addition to the acts of the holy faithful prince, the plot of one of them was the transfer of the relics of the saint to St. Petersburg. This event, initiated by Emperor Peter I, took place on August 30 (September 12) 1724. The emperor took a direct part in each stage: he stood behind the wheel of a gallery, where the relics in a special ark were located, participated in his transfer to the temple of the Alexander Nevsky Holy Trinity Monastery. The volitional and decisive image of Peter, created by the artist in preparatory drawings, was embodied in one of the best murals of the temple. Both navigator and carpenter. Peter the Great in Russian art culture. SPb, 2022. With. 125.

Having built the city close to the battlefield of Prince Alexander Nevsky with the Swedes, Peter decided to transfer the relics of the Holy Prince from Vladimir from Vladimir. The date of transfer of relics was supposed to come on the day of the Nistadt world, which marked the end of the war with Sweden. However, at the appointed time in 1723, this could not be done, and the relics remained in Shlisselburg until the intended day next year. Immediately, the schismatics and ill -wishers of Peter created the legend that the relics do not want to lie in this city (according to believers, sacred objects can move by themselves, but may not move off with any efforts). But in the next, 1724, the relics were safely transported to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the place of their current repose. September 12, the day of transfer, is celebrated as the Day of memory of St. Alexander Nevsky. Peter Basin created a sketch of the painting of the Western lunet to the challenge of Alexander Nevsky in the Isaac’s Cathedral “The transfer of the relics of Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to Petersburg”, according to which Lunet was painted. In the sculptural decor of the cathedral, this plot is also presented. Elena Stolbova. Peter the Great in the visual arts // Both the navigator and the carpenter. Peter the Great in Russian art culture. SPb, 2022. With. 24.

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