The artist is Robertson
Maria Nikolaevna (August 18, 1819, Pavlovsk − February 21, 1876, St. Petersburg) − The daughter of Emperor Nicholas I and Alexandra Fedorovna, nee Princess Prussian, sister of Emperor Alexander II. In the first marriage (1839−1852) − Wife of Maximilian Evgeny Joseph Napoleon, Duke of Leichtenberg, in the second, Morganatic (1853−1876), − Count Grigory Alexandrovich Stroganov. An enlightened lover of sciences and arts, after the death of her husband became the first woman president of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1852−1876).
The 400th anniversary of the Romanov house. SPb, 2013. With. 111.
Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, wife of the Duke of Maximilian Leuchtenberg. It is depicted with children Maria (1841–1914), Eugenia (1845–1928), Nikolai (1843–1890) and Eugene (1841–1901) in the interior of the Palace of the Dukes of Leichtenberg in Sergievka near St. Petersburg (architect A. And. STACENSHNEDER).
Nicholas I. SPb, 2018. With. 126.