The artist is Zaryanko
Tolstoy Fedor Petrovich (1783–1873) – count; Medaler, sculptor, drawing and engraver. He studied in the Sea Cadet Corps, then attended the classes of the IAX. Since 1825 he taught medal art in IAX, in 1842 – a professor of medal art, in 1849 – a professor of sculpture. From 1828 to 1859-Vice President of IAX, from 1859 to 1869-comrade of the President of the IAX. The author of a series of medallions in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812, Persian (1826–1828) and Russian-Turkish (1828–1829) wars, as well as numerous sculptural works for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Author of illustrations for the poem and. F. Bogdanovich “Darling”.
Portrait Gallery of the Russian Museum. Persons of Russia. SPb. 2012. With. 152.