Portrait of the Tarov family


The artist is unknown

Depicted: head of the family, lieutenant of the 12th army infantry division with the Order of St. Anna of the 3rd degree, the mother of the family, two sons in the form of cadets of the school of topographers (in single-breasted uniforms, the collar and cuff of which had a light blue and silver device), another son in the form of the first St. Petersburg gymnasium (?). Dates from the nature of costumes and hairstyles. The author of the picture was, apparently, a talented amateur artist who managed to accurately capture the portrait similarity of his characters, up to the nuances of the “similarity” of children to their mother or father. The picture is interesting as an example of fixation portrait painting rather memorial than artistic significance. It should be noted that since the 1840s, photographic images have been included in everyday life. “Portrait of Tarov” is an example of the influence of early photography on fine art. The name of the characters is mentioned in the old museum file cabinet. Family biography was not found.

N. X. Unknown artist. SPb, 2012. With. 174.

Home portraits were created and little -known or not at all professional artists. But they also became family relics, and the cute imperfections of the fulfillment and diligence of the author in the transfer of the appearance of the portraited add charm to them. Lyubov Shakirova. Family album of the Russian Museum // Portrait of Family. SPb, 2014. With. eight.

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