The ranks of His Majesty’s own convoy and the imperial main apartment


The artist is unknown

In the cat. 1980 – „Scene from military life in the Caucasus: general and headquarters officers of the Infantry Division, listening to the Don­two Kuban Cossacks". 1840s

The left part of the picture is lithograph. Chevalier according to drawing f. Buatuz. Mid -XIX century. State Literary Museum (No. 50923/2221).

Own e. And. AT. The convoy is repertoire­the Lezgin team was in 1838, and 1 de­Kabbi 1844 ADD­One hundred hats installed helmets. Therefore, the picture can be dated­Rive with a period of 1838-1844.

From left to right are depicted: the officer of the team of linear Cossacks of the convoy in everyday form; Junker of the Lezgin team in everyday form; weapons­The nose of the Lezgin team in the front line­me. Sitting Adjutant General in Fu­Rage, probably the commander of the empire­Rator main apartment a. X. Ben­Kendorf (reported by d. AND. Cloc­you m). In favor of this version, a witness­The fact that in January 1844 a. And. Ladürner painted a picture, before­setting „Linear Cossacks Sob­the concern of His Majesty of the convoy", which was donated by Emperor Nicholas I, Adjutant General, Count A. X. Benkendorfu (RGIA, F. 472, op. 17 (1/933), D. 26 (1831-1868.), l. 122).

Authorship a. And. Ladüurner is reserved on the basis of stylistic and technology­gytous research. Protocol AT­Ribulation Council No. 3 (47) from 02. eleven. 2007. (Message in. AND. Kadochnikova).

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