The artist is Ladurerner
Original 1836 from the collection of Alexander II – to the GMZ “Pavlovsk”; A copy of an unknown artist – in the timing. The plot was repeatedly repeated and copied by both Ladurner himself and other artists. Nicholas I is depicted in the form of the Life Guards of the Sapernaya Battalion surrounded by a retinue near the Winter Palace. On the right-Adjutant General A. I AM. Lobanov-Rostov, in the background-military minister a. And. Chernyshev.
Lobanov-Rostovsky Alexei Yakovlevich (1795–1848)-Prince, since 1828 in the retinue of Nicholas I. In 1833-Adjutant General, in 1837-Lieutenant General. Repeatedly went abroad with the special assignments of the emperor.
Chernyshev Alexander Ivanovich (1786–1857).
Nicholas I. SPb, 2018. With. 43.